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Issue 5.2


Cinema and Technologies of Movement

edited by Philippe Bédard, Jordan Gowanlock, and Theo Stojanov, with out-going managing editor Rachel Webb Jekanowski
Cinema and Technologies of Movement

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Individual Chapters



Philippe Bédard, Jordan Gowanlock, and Theo Stojanov


“Move as if Alive”: The Kinematograph as Unstable Technology of Movement and its Impact on the Spectator

Gert Jan Harkema

The Protean Camera

Philippe Bédard

Ballet’s Influence on the Development of Early Cinema and the Technological Modification of Dance Movement

Jennifer Ann Zale

Seeing Aspects of the Moving Camera: On the Twofoldness of the Mobile Frame

Jordan Schonig

Early Marathi Cinema: Prabhat Studios and Social Respectability

Hrishikesh Ingle

Book Reviews

Invisible Labour? Re-examining the Aesthetics of Sound Design in 1970s American Cinema

Kyla Smith

When Curating Meets Film Theory: Philippe-Alain Michaud’s Sur le film

Lola Rémy

Wandering into the Space of Imagination

Oslavi Linares Martínez

Exhibition Reviews

Archaeology of the Digital

Jordan Gowanlock

Concordia University
Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema
1455 Boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest, FB 319
Montréal, Québec, Canada H3G 1M8

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